Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Medical Ethics Medical Ethical Dilemma Essay - 878 Words

Medical Ethical Dilemma 1. Why did you select this topic? I choose the article, A Medical Miracle Poses Ethical Dilemma written by Anna Gorman and published in the Los Angeles Times. It stood out to me because it dealt with a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) born at twenty-four weeks’ gestation, weighing nine ounces. I want to be a NICU nurse so I am sure I will be faced with an issue similar to this at some point in my career. 2. What are your feelings about this dilemma? Are you for or against? I am for this dilemma. I liked when Doctor Ramanathan said, â€Å"I don t know if I can put cost to life†¦ It s worth it (Gorman, 2011). The fact that this baby may have a shot at living is worth the half a million dollars that the state of California will have to pay due to Melinda’s parents being on Medi-Cal. I don’t think that doctors or nurses have the right to play God. It is our job to be supportive and provide all the care we know how to make sure that baby gets the best treatment whether the outcome be life or death, knowing that all that could have been done, was. And the survival rate of a baby born at twenty-four weeks is better than I thought it would be. â€Å"A micro preemie is a baby who is born weighing less than 1 pound, 12 ounces (800 grams) or before 26 weeks’ gestation†¦ A baby born at 24 weeks, has 66-80% survival rate† (Bird, 2016). Despite the long term health problems that this baby could face, her odds of survival outweigh her odds of death. 3. WhyShow MoreRelatedMedical Ethics And Abortion : A Moral And Ethical Dilemma Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesMedical Ethics and Abortion Abortion is wrong because it is the murder of a human being. Abortion continues to be a moral and ethical dilemma for all those involved. 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